I have still to come across a client who told me they have everything they need!

We often buy things and end up not using them. I have come across many wardrobes stacked with clothes that still have tags on them, because they don’t fit. By the time the client realizes it doesn’t fit her/him, its too late to return it. We tend to buy smaller clothes in the hope that one day we will be that size. Guess what, if you do lose a lot of weight and become the size you dreamed of, you will want to go out and splurge on great clothes that fit you! You most probably wouldn’t want to wear something that has been lying in the back of your wardrobe for years and is now way out of vogue. Its these “Hard to let go” things that are our literal baggage.

At the same time, we do understand that living in NY demands a wardrobe for every occasion. You need the ugly boots and the jacket to shovel the snow. But you cant go out in those. So we understand your needs. In fact, we feel you.

Call us or drop a note if you want to talk and schedule an assessment. It is easier and more affordable than you think. Take control of your life.

Sell or buy homes fast!

You might have the most beautiful house on the block. But remember, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. A prospective buyer doesn’t want to live in a cold, unwelcoming house. Neither do they feel the bond with a house that has beautiful family pictures.. of another family. The changes you make, can be small. But “de-personalizing” your home and taking good pics, might be the difference between getting a median market price or the upper end of the market price.

January is the official month for organizing!

Starting January 2021, we will start consulting online. So wherever you are in the US email us for details. All you need is a camera and internet. We can even ship the solutions to you or work with a local contractor to get you exactly what you need! If all you need are a few tips, email us with your questions and we will send you tips in our Newsletters at no cost! Email preethi@alignorganizers.com, today!

For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned!
— Benjamin Franklin